ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdServer.cpp:159
+  }
+  if (SpecFuzzyReq) {
+    if (auto Filter = speculateCompletionFilter(Content, Pos)) {
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> NIT: maybe invert condition to reduce nesting?
It would become something like:
if (!SpecFuzzyReq)
  return SpecFuzzyReq;
.... // some work
return SpecFuzzyReq;

Having to return the same thing twice seems a bit worse IMO.

Comment at: clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:1388
+  if (Len > 0)
+    St++; // Shift to the first valid character.
+  return Content.substr(St, Len);
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> This looks incorrect in case of the identifiers starting at offset 0. A 
> corner case, but still.
`Offset == 0` is handled above.

Comment at: clangd/tool/ClangdMain.cpp:179
+        should be effective for a number of code completions.)"),
+    llvm::cl::init(true));
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> Maybe remove this option?
> Doing a speculative request seems like the right thing to do in all cases. It 
> never hurts completion latency. Any reasons to avoid it?
Sure, was trying to be conservative :)

Removed the command-line option but still keeping the code completion option. 
As async call has some overhead, I think we should only enable it when static 
index is provided.

Comment at: unittests/clangd/CodeCompleteTests.cpp:926
-  const std::vector<FuzzyFindRequest> allRequests() const { return Requests; }
+  const std::vector<FuzzyFindRequest> consumeRequests() const {
+    auto Reqs = std::move(Requests);
ilya-biryukov wrote:
> Why do we want to change this? To avoid tests getting requests from the 
> previous tests?

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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