saar.raz added a comment.

@rsmith - thanks for the responses!
Will also address the comments I haven't responded to soon.

Comment at: include/clang/AST/ExprCXX.h:4420
+  /// \brief The concept named.
+  ConceptDecl *NamedConcept;
rsmith wrote:
> You should also track the `FoundDecl` and the optional 
> `NestedNameSpecifierLoc` (just like a `DeclRefExpr` would). Clang-based tools 
> (particularly refactoring tools) need those. There's also an optional 
> `template` keyword, but it can never matter in practice because the nested 
> name specifier can never be dependent, so it's probably not the most 
> high-priority thing to track.
Isn't the `FoundDecl` just the `NamedConcept`?

Comment at: include/clang/AST/ExprCXX.h:4423-4424
+  /// \brief The template argument list used to specialize the concept.
+  TemplateArgumentList *TemplateArgs;
+  const ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo *TemplateArgInfo;
rsmith wrote:
> It'd be nice if at least one of these two arrays could be tail-allocated.
Now that you mention it, TemplateArgs is never even used or set, I'll remove it.
As for TemplateArgInfo - do you mean allocate the ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo 
itself as a trailing obj or the individual TemplateArgumentLocs? the former 
seems more reasonable to me as it's convenient to have an 
ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo object around

Comment at: include/clang/AST/ExprCXX.h:4474-4481
+  void setSatisfied(bool Satisfied) {
+    IsSatisfied = Satisfied;
+  }
+  SourceLocation getConceptNameLoc() const { return ConceptNameLoc; }
+  void setConceptNameLoc(SourceLocation Loc) {
+    ConceptNameLoc = Loc;
rsmith wrote:
> Do you really need mutators for the 'satisfied' flag and the concept name 
> location?
They're here only because of ASTReader/Writer. I guess I can use a friend decl 

Comment at: lib/AST/StmtPrinter.cpp:2553
+void StmtPrinter::VisitConceptSpecializationExpr(ConceptSpecializationExpr *E) 
+  OS << E->getNamedConcept()->getName();
+  printTemplateArgumentList(OS, E->getTemplateArgumentListInfo()->arguments(),
rsmith wrote:
> You should print out the nested name specifier here. (And ideally also the 
> `template` keyword, if specified...). And you should print the name of the 
> found declaration, not the name of the concept (although they can't differ 
> currently).
Are there possible upcoming changes that'll make them differ?

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaConcept.cpp:34
+      Diag(ConstraintExpression->getExprLoc(),
+           diag::err_non_bool_atomic_constraint)
+              << ConstraintExpression << ConstraintExpression->getType();
rsmith wrote:
> What justifies rejecting this prior to any use of the concept that would 
> result in a satisfaction check?
> (I think checking this is a good thing; what I'm wondering is whether we need 
> to file a core issue to get the wording updated to allow us to reject such 
> bogus concepts even if they're never used.)
I guess this is already justified, if awkwardly (NDR) by [temp.res]p8.2

  rC Clang

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