Could anyone review the patch?

Kind regards,
Evgeny Astigeevich

-----Original Message-----
From: Evgeny Astigeevich []
Sent: 08 September 2015 11:00
To: Evgeny Astigeevich
Subject: [PATCH] D12689: [libc++][static linking] std streams are not 
initialized prior to their use in static object constructors

eastig created this revision.
eastig added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

When an executable (e.g. for bare metal environment) is statically linked  with 
libc++ the following code might not work as expected:

#include <iostream>

class Foo {
  Foo(int n) {
    std::cout << "Hello World - " << n << std::endl;

Foo f(5);

int main() {
  return 0;
The program hangs or crashes because 'std::cout' is not initialized before 'Foo 

The standard says:

> 27.3 Standard iostream objects
> Header <iostream> synopsis
> (2) ... The objects are constructed, and the associations are
> established at some time prior to or during first time an object of
> class basic_ios<charT,traits>::Init is constructed, and in any case before 
> the body of main begins execution [264]. The objects are not destroyed during 
> program execution [265].

And footnote 265 says:

> Constructors and destructors for static objects can access these
> objects to read input from stdin or write output to stdout or stderr.

The similar issue was raised more than year ago. A patch was proposed but not 
committed. See discussion of it here:

| initial patch ]] [[ 
| review, suggestion for #ifdef ]]

The proposed patch caused initialization/deinitialization of the std streams as 
many times as the static Init objects were created.
The current patch fixes this issue. A number of uses is counted by means of 
__shared_count. It is used instead of a 'int' variable because it is 
thread-safe. The standard allows multi-threaded initialization of static 
objects from different compilation modules.


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