EricWF added a comment.

In, @espositofulvio wrote:

> In, @EricWF wrote:
> > This patch has a long way to go but it has also come a long way. Here are a 
> > couple of problems I see with it.
> >
> > 2. This patch adds a lot of headers. libc++ has historically tried to keep 
> > the number of headers to a minimum for the reason that filesystem 
> > operations are expensive and its cheaper to include a few big headers as 
> > opposed to many small ones.
> I know but it was a request from reviewers so that platform specific decision 
> were localized. I can obviously merge all of the support/mutex.h, 
> support/thread.h and support/condition_variable.h in a single 
> support/thread.h if that's the case.

Sorry for giving conflicting feedback. I'm happy with multiple headers for now. 
We can always address it later.

Comment at: src/algorithm.cpp:51
@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@
-static pthread_mutex_t __rs_mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static mutex __rs_mut;
espositofulvio wrote:
> EricWF wrote:
> > I think this prevents __rs_mut from being initialized during constant 
> > initialization. 
> > (
> I think this falls in the second case:
> Static or thread-local object of class type that is initialized by a 
> constructor call, if the constructor is constexpr and all constructor 
> arguments (including implicit conversions) are constant expressions, and if 
> the initializers in the constructor's initializer list and the brace-or-equal 
> initializers of the class memebers only contain constant expressions.
> but I was actually relying on the fact that we have constexpr, which now I 
> understand could not be the case.
The top of the documentation it shows the syntax that is required to get 
constant initialization. The initialization must have the form `T obj = 
<initalizer>`. I would be fine relying on constexpr though.


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