Em qua., 28 de set. de 2022 às 12:44, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
<paulo.cesar.pereira.de.andr...@gmail.com> escreveu:
>  Hi,
>   I have around 80% done porting GNU Lightning to loongarch, after
> some work starting last week.
>   Some hours ago my ssh connection did hang, and it is no longer
> reachable.
>   Maybe the ssh service in the custom ports was stopped? It is listening
> to ping.

  Tried again today, worked for 10 minutes or so, and again, the ssh
connection hangs.

  Only had time to learn lu12i.w clears the 12 low bits, so, to construct
a 64 bit constant must invert the lu12i.w and ori in the sequence
"ori rX 0 0:11, lu12i.w 12:31, lu32i_d rX 32:51, lu52i_d rX rX 52:63",
but it did hang when I was about to test that modification in code to
patch load of constants....

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    • Re: [cfarm-users] loo... Paulo César Pereira de Andrade via cfarm-users

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