Thanks. My /home is always clean because I work, get results, delete.
Maybe I keep a script to recreate whetever I was doing.

This is known as "The tragedy of the commons" : when something is free
for everyone, some people  use up the resources as if they were sea
water, resulting in there being nothing left, and whatver was free
dries up.

Mind u, it's nothing new. Here's a Christmas greeting from our Unix
sysadmin (Peter Collinson) from 1987

Disc is full, Disc is full,
People need to work,
Delete those junk files from the disc
        whereso'ever they lurk,
Disc is full, Disc is full,
The Eagle disc is packed,
Then we can go on holiday
        leaving Eagle to be hacked.

(Sing loudly to a well known tune)


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