On Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 01:43:25AM +0200, Baptiste Jonglez via cfarm-users 
> We are happy to announce the availability of a new website to manage
> access to the farm!

Thank you!

> It currently has three end-users functions:
> 1) the ability to add and remove SSH keys yourself;

How do they propagate to the machines? Are existing authorized_keys
overwritten? What is the delay?

> 2) new users can now request an account directly from the website:
>    https://cfarm.tetaneutral.net/users/new/
> 3) the description of farm machines is generated and updated
>    automatically: https://cfarm.tetaneutral.net/machines/list/

It would be great also to have the ability to change email, and to add
a GPG key to have reset messages encrypted.

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