The instructions for requesting a new account currently states

       How to Get Involved?

   If you are working on a piece of free software (GCC or any other
   GPL, BSD, MIT, ...) and need ssh access to the farm for compilation,
   debug and test on various architectures you may apply for a GCC
   Compile Farm account.

   Please send:

    1. your ssh protocol 2 public key ($HOME/.ssh/ or *in attachment*/and not inline in the email/
    2. *AND* your preferred UNIX login below User Accounts for already
       taken logins)
    3. *AND* at least one free software project you are a contributor
       of, *with URLs pointing to your contributions and project
       licence information*
    4. *AND* the email Subject should start with "[CFARM-REQUEST]"

   to laurent at guerby dot net.

   After approval and account creation the compile farm machines should
   be used only for free software development, see this free software
   license list <>.

However, when I was moved to the new list, this message was included:

Welcome to the mailing list!

****** PLEASE READ ***********

IMPORTANT : Please use the bug tracker and not this list for admin
requests, the 500 or so subscribers cannot help you for account and
admin issues.

******* THANKS *********

So would this be the bug tracker at this URL?

I don't see a bug tracker (yet) at

cfarm-users mailing list

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