Disclamer: I'm working on the Fixed Wireless products for Telenor (Zyxel NR7101 
outdoor wall mounted unit).  Not the Mobile Broadband products.  We are working 
with Zyxel and Qualcom to try and implement an upstream queue which adapts to 
available radio resources. To much NDA so can't really disclose anything 
useful.  Lets just say we are aware of the issues and are actively working to 
try and improve the situation - but don't hold your breath for a sollution.

What sort of HW are you running your LTE on?

Do you have a subscription with rate limitations?  The PGW (router which 
enforces the limit) is a lot more latency friendly than if you are radio 
limited.  So it may be beneficial to have a "slow" subscription rather than 
"free speed" then it comes to latency.  Slow meaning lower subscrption rate 
than radio rate.

Also would be interesting to see separate tests for upstream and downstream, as 
the issues and implementations are different in each direction.


Fra: Bloat <bloat-boun...@lists.bufferbloat.net> på vegne av Nils Andreas Svee 
Sendt: tirsdag 23. februar 2021 22.30.33
Til: Dave Taht; bloat; cerowrt-devel; Make-Wifi-fast; Toke Høiland-Jørgensen 
via Cake
Emne: Re: [Bloat] [Cake] Fwd: [Galene] Dave on bufferbloat and jitter at 8pm 
CET Tuesday 23

Thanks for the talk Dave and it was nice meeting you all!

Never really did much in the way of Flent tests after moving from ADSL to 
Telenor's "wireless broadband" aka. 4G. So I ran some after leaving the 
meeting, with CAKE on or off, and let me tell you - it's terrifying, 4G sucks 
indeed., not as bad as DSL without SQM mind, but still

Avg. latency without SQM at some points close to 800 ms or above. Had to 
sacrifice a lot of bandwidth to get it to sane levels when doing RRUL tests.

Dumped all the files over here: https://dl.lochnair.net/Bufferbloat/Tests/
Oh btw I promise I'll try to not break things when you need to access something 
on that box again Dave...

Best Regards
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