I kind of have an ulterior motive for tracking this work, as A) the codebase is new, small and not crufty and B) juliusz sometimes bothers to answer my emails, and C) I don't really have a grip on the state of webrtc congestion control.
I used to really enjoy dinking with videoconferencing tools. I'll be getting this server up somewhere, by and by. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Juliusz Chroboczek <j...@irif.fr> Date: Fri, May 1, 2020 at 4:16 AM Subject: [Babel-users] OT: Centralised WebRTC server available for testing To: babel-users <babel-us...@lists.alioth.debian.org> Hi, and sorry for abusing this list for another off-topic post. Some of you may remember the peer-to-peer WebRTC server I advertised a few weeks ago. While it is still what I recommend for one-on-one conversations (peer-to-peer is good), I've been working on a centralised solution for larger groups of people. We've just tested yesterday a meeting with 12 participants (12 incoming and 132 outgoing flows), and it held. So I guess I might as well make it available. The demo server is on https://vps-63c87489.vps.ovh.net:8443/ It is described on https://www.irif.fr/~jch/software/sfu/ The code is available, and will be licensed under a Free license when I'm ready. -- Juliusz _______________________________________________ Babel-users mailing list babel-us...@alioth-lists.debian.net https://alioth-lists.debian.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/babel-users -- Make Music, Not War Dave Täht CTO, TekLibre, LLC http://www.teklibre.com Tel: 1-831-435-0729 _______________________________________________ Cerowrt-devel mailing list Cerowrt-devel@lists.bufferbloat.net https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/cerowrt-devel