James Cloos <cl...@jhcloos.com> wrote:
    MR> Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

    MR> So, instead of RJ45s, we have a different connector that I have to 
    MR> out.  I guess it has 5 pins... 2 differential pairs (TX/RX) and a 
shield ground?

    > the details are specified on the psage for buying an assembled version,
    > linked to by the above page.  For reference:

    > https://www.botblox.io/product/small-ethernet-switch/

I finished googling and found datasheets at:

I guess the reference C++/Python code is to put in my CPU, there is no mcu
present on this board.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
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