On 7/10/2015 1:01 AM, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
>>>>> You can flash back the factory firmware without serial, you just use
>>>>> sysupgrade with the Linksys factory image.
>>>> How does that differ from mtd, e.g., as indicated here (which doesn't
>>>> mention sysinstall)?:
>> Can you explain where the info on using the sysupgrade command to revert to 
>> the factory image is??
>       Have a look at:
> 1) http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/generic.sysupgrade

Ahh - buried on that page is a statement to use mtd where sysupgrade
isn't supported. It would be useful to have to have that over on the
"revert to factory" page too.

Thanks, that clears it up.

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