Hi, Matt,

On 7/7/2015 11:19 AM, Matt Taggart wrote:...
> This message made me realize I hadn't posted the CC+SQM HOWTO I
> wrote, maybe it will be useful,
> https://we.riseup.net/lackof/openwrt

FWIW, this is a big step in the direction I was suggesting.


The other step, IMO, would be two flags in the OpenWRT list of hardware:

        - a flag/color that indicates that the most recent hardware rev
        supports BB

        - a different flag/color that indicates that the most recent
        hardware rev supports CC

The current list is a confusing mix of information about very old,
sometimes EOL (end-of-life) equipment.

To those who have invited me to participate in the research, thanks, but
sometimes I just want to *use* a solution. I'm OK with a buggy,
partially unstable one, but I don't always want to dive into
developer-mode for every system I'd like to test out.


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