Hello Stefan, but if I want to use rbd mirroring I must have site-a.conf
and site-b.conf on one of my nodes.....probably one of the mon nodes. Is it
only a configuration on ceph client side ?

Il Gio 16 Gen 2020, 22:13 Stefan Kooman <ste...@bit.nl> ha scritto:

> Quoting Ignazio Cassano (ignaziocass...@gmail.com):
> > Hello, I just deployed nautilus with ceph-deploy.
> > I did not find any option to give a cluster name to my ceph so its name
> is
> > "ceph".
> > Please, how can I chenge my cluster name without reinstalling ?
> >
> > Please, how can I set the cluster name in installation phase ?
> TL;DR: You don't want to name it anything else. This feature was hardly
> used
> and therefore deprecated. You can find some historic info here:
> http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2017-November/022202.html
> I'm not sure if nameing support is already removed from the code but in
> any case don't try to name it anything else.
> Gr. Stefan
> --
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