Does anyone know if this is also  respecting an nearfull values?

Thank you in advice

Am 14. Januar 2020 15:20:39 MEZ schrieb Stephan Mueller <>:
>I sent out this message on the 19th of December and somehow it didn't
>got into the list and I just noticed it now. Sorry for the delay.
>I tried to resend it but it just returned the same error that mail was
>not deliverable to the ceph mailing list. I will send the message
>beneath as soon it's finally possible, but for now this should help you
>if "MAX AVAIL" displays the wrong data, the bug is just made more
>visible through the dashboard, as the calculation is correct.
>To get the right percentage you have to divide the used space through
>the total, and the total can only consist of two states used and not
>used space, so both states will be added together to get the total.
>Or in short:
>used / (avail + used)
>Just looked into the C++ code - Max avail will be calculated the
>following way:
>avail_res = avail / raw_used_rate (
>raw_used_rate *= (sum.num_object_copies - sum.num_objects_degraded) /
>Am Dienstag, den 17.12.2019, 07:07 +0100 schrieb
>> I have observed this in the ceph nautilus dashboard too - and Think
>> it is a Display Bug... but sometimes it Shows tue right values
>> Which nautilus u use?
>> Am 10. Dezember 2019 14:31:05 MEZ schrieb "David Majchrzak, ODERLAND
>> Webbhotell AB" <>:
>> > Hi!
>> > 
>> > While browsing /#/pool in nautilus ceph dashboard I noticed it said
>> > 93%
>> > used on the single pool we have (3x replica).
>> > 
>> > ceph df detal however shows 81% used on the pool and 67% raw
>> > useage.
>> > 
>> > # ceph df detail
>> >    CLASS     SIZE        AVAIL       USED        RAW USED     %RAW
>> > USED 
>> >    ssd       478 TiB     153 TiB     324 TiB      325
>> > TiB         67.96 
>> >    TOTAL     478 TiB     153 TiB     324 TiB      325
>> > TiB         67.96 
>> > 
>> > POOLS:
>> >    POOL            ID     STORED      OBJECTS     USED        %USED
>> >    
>> >    echo      3     108 TiB      29.49M     324
>> > TiB     81.61        24
>> > TiB     N/A               N/A             29.49M            0
>> > B             0 B
>I manually calculated the used percentage to get "avail" in your case
>it seems to be 73 TiB. That means the the total space available for
>your pool would be 397 TiB.
>I'm not sure why that is, but it's what the math behind those
>calculations say.
>(Found a thread regarding that on the new mailing list (ceph-
> -> 
> )
>0.8161 = used (324) / total => total = 397
>Than I looked at the remaining calculations:
>raw_used_rate *= (sum.num_object_copies - sum.num_objects_degraded) /
>avail_res = avail / raw_used_rate 
>First I looked up the init value for "raw_used_rate" for replicated
>pools. It's their size so we can put in 3 here and for "avail_res" is
>So I first calculated the final "raw_used_rate" which is 3.042. That
>means that you have around 4.2% degraded pg's in your pool.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I know we're looking at the most full OSD (210PGs, 79% used, 1.17
>> > VAR)
>> > and count max avail from that. But where's the 93% full from in
>> > dashboard?
>As said above the calculation is right but the data is wrong... As it
>uses the real data that can be put in the selected pool, but it uses
>everywhere else sizes that consider all pool replicas.
>I created an issue to fix this
>> > 
>> > My guess is that is comes from calculating: 
>> > 
>> > 1 - Max Avail / (Used + Max avail) = 0.93
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Kind Regards,
>> > 
>> > David Majchrzak
>> > 
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>> > ceph-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
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>Hope I could clarify some things and thanks for your feedback :)
>BTW this problem currently still exists as there wasn't any change to
>these mentioned lines after the nautilus release.
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