Hi Stefan,

I do not want to know the reason. I want to parse Ceph logs (and use it in 
Elastic). But without knowing the log format I can’t parse. I know that the 
first and second ‘words’ are date + timestamp, but what about the 3rd-5th words 
of a log line?


> Op 8 jan. 2020 om 09:48 heeft Stefan Kooman <ste...@bit.nl> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Quoting Sinan Polat (si...@turka.nl):
>> Hi,
>> I couldn't find any documentation or information regarding the log format in
>> Ceph. For example, I have 2 log lines (see below). For each 'word' I would 
>> like
>> to know what it is/means.
>> As far as I know, I can break the log lines into:
>> [date] [timestamp] [unknown] [unknown] [unknown] [pthread] [colon char]
>> [unknown] [PRIORITY] [message]
>> Can anyone fill in the [unknown] fields, or redirect me to some
>> documentation/information?
> Issue "ceph daemon osd.3 dump_historic_slow_ops" on the storage node
> hosting this OSD and you will get JSON output with the reason
> (flag_point) of the slow op and the series of events.
> Gr. Stefan
> -- 
> | BIT BV  https://www.bit.nl/        Kamer van Koophandel 09090351
> | GPG: 0xD14839C6                   +31 318 648 688 / i...@bit.nl

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