Quoting Radhakrishnan2 S (radhakrishnan...@tcs.com):
> Where hypervisor would be your Ceph nodes. I.e. you can connect your
> Ceph nodes on L2 or make them part of the L3 setup (more modern way of
> doing it). You can use "ECMP" to add more network capacity when you need
> it. Setting up a BGP EVPN VXLAN network is not trivial ... I advise on
> getting networking expertise in your team.
> Radha: Thanks for the reference. We are planning to have a dedicated
> set of nodes, for our ceph cluster and not make it hyperconverged. Do
> you see that as a recommended option ? Since we might also have
> baremetal servers for workloads, we want to make the storage as a
> separate dedicated one. 

I would definately recommend that, especially for larger deployments.
Although this might look old fashioned as the rest of the world is
changing everything in containers. It makes (performance) debugging *a
lot* easier as you can actually isolate things. Something which is way
more difficult to achieve in servers where you have a complex workload
going on ...

I guess (no proof of that) that performance will be more consistent as

Gr. Stefan

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