Quoting Ml Ml (mliebher...@googlemail.com):
> Hello List,
> i have size = 3 and min_size = 2 with 3 Nodes.

That's good.

> I replaced two osds on node ceph01 and ran into "HEALTH_ERR".
> My problem: it waits for the backfilling process?
> Why did i run into HEALTH_ERR? I thought all data will be available on
> at least one more node. or even two:

How did you replace them? Did you first set them "out" and waited for
the data to be repicated elsewhere before you removed them?

It *might* be because your CRUSH rule set is replicating over "OSD" and
not host. What does a "ceph osd crush rule dump" shows?

Gr. Stefan

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