hi all:
I want to monitor my luminous ceph with zabbix.my ceph runs in docker.
I enable mgr zabbix module,

[root@ceph2 /]# ceph mgr module ls
"enabled_modules": [
"disabled_modules": [

I set zabbix according to https://docs.ceph.com/docs/luminous/mgr/zabbix/

[root@ceph2 ceph]# ceph zabbix config-show
{"zabbix_port": 10051, "zabbix_host": "", "identifier": "", 
"zabbix_sender": "/usr/bin/zabbix_sender", "interval": 10}

when send data to zabbix,error occur

[root@ceph2 ceph]# ceph zabbix send
Failed to send data to Zabbix

I manually send data.it also is error
[root@ceph2 ceph]# /usr/bin/zabbix_sender -z -s 
ceph-5f23a710-ca98-44f6-a323-41d412256f4d -p 10051 -k ceph.total_bytes -o 30 -vv
zabbix_sender [1200]: DEBUG: answer [{"response":"success","info":"processed: 
0; failed: 1; total: 1; seconds spent: 0.000033"}]
info from server: "processed: 0; failed: 1; total: 1; seconds spent: 0.000033"
sent: 1; skipped: 0; total: 1

messages in ceph-mgr log:

Dec 23 11:01:12 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:12.758460 
7fa750c57700 20 mgr update loading 0 new types, 0 old types, had 211 types, got 
534 bytes of data
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.083029 
7fa74e452700 20 mgr[zabbix] Waking up for new iteration
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.084548 
7fa74e452700  4 mgr[zabbix] Sending data to Zabbix server as 
host/identifier ceph-5f23a710-ca98-44f6-a323-41d412256f4d
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.084667 
7fa74e452700 20 mgr[zabbix] {'rd_bytes': 4114432L, 'total_bytes': 
321958871040L, 'overall_status_int': 0, 'osd_latency_apply_min': 0L, 
'osd_latency_apply_max': 0L, 'num_osd_up': 6, 'osd_max_fill': 
0.21190729542446343, 'osd_backfillfull_ratio': 0.8999999761581421, 
'osd_latency_commit_max': 0L, 'wr_bytes': 14336L, 'osd_latency_commit_min': 0L, 
'num_mon': 3, 'osd_min_fill': 0.21118976775003168, 'total_used_bytes': 
681099264L, 'wr_ops': 2816L, 'osd_nearfull_ratio': 0.8500000238418579, 
'osd_latency_apply_avg': 0.0, 'overall_status': u'HEALTH_OK', 'num_pg': 80L, 
'osd_latency_commit_avg': 0.0, 'osd_avg_fill': 0.21154853158724754, 'num_osd': 
6, 'osd_full_ratio': 0.949999988079071, 'total_objects': 210L, 'num_pools': 10, 
'num_osd_in': 6, 'num_pg_temp': 0, 'rd_ops': 4215L, 'total_avail_bytes': 
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.100752 
7fa74e452700  0 mgr[zabbix] Exception when sending: /usr/bin/zabbix_sender 
exited non-zero: zabbix_sender [1020]: DEBUG: answer 
[{"response":"success","info":"processed: 0; failed: 29; total: 29; seconds 
spent: 0.000311"}]
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.100944 
7fa74e452700 20 mgr[zabbix] Sleeping for 10 seconds
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.859475 
7fa76444a700 10 mgr tick tick
Dec 23 11:01:13 ceph2.novalocal docker[21930]: 2019-12-23 11:01:13.859504 
7fa76444a700  1 mgr send_beacon active

Where is wrong? 

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