>I am having hard times with creating graphs I want to see. Metrics are 
exported in way that every single one is stored in separated series in 
Influx like:
 >> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1,metric=read value=1234 
 >> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1,metric=write value=1234 
 >> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1,metric=total value=1234 
 >instead of single series like:
 >> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1 read=1234,write=1234,total=1234 

That is how timeseries databases work, one value per timestamp

 >This means when I want to create graph of something like % usage ratio 
(= bytes_used / bytes_total) or number of faulty OSDs (= num_osd_up - 
num_osd_in) I am unable to do it with single query like

I use a static variable in influx to fix this. I have static value for 
osds and totalbytes (although newer ceph versions log this i think). You 
can also solve this with continuous queries in influx. 

 >> SELECT mean("num_osd_up") - mean("num_osd_in") FROM 
"ceph_cluster_stats" WHERE "cluster" =~ /^ceph1$/ AND time >= now() - 6h 
GROUP BY time(5m) fill(null)
SELECT $totalosds - last("value")  FROM "ceph_value" WHERE "type" = 
'ceph_bytes' AND "type_instance" = 'Cluster.numOsdIn' AND $timeFilter 
GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
 >but instead it requires two queries followed by math operation, which 
I was unable to get it working in my Grafana nor InfluxDB (I believe 
it's not supported, Influx removed JOIN queries some time ago).

-----Original Message-----
From: Miroslav Kalina [mailto:miroslav.kal...@livesport.eu] 
Sent: dinsdag 10 december 2019 13:31
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: [ceph-users] Ceph-mgr :: Grafana + Telegraf / InfluxDB metrics 

Hello guys,

is there anyone using Telegraf / InfluxDB metrics exporter with Grafana 
dashboards? I am asking like that because I was unable to find any 
existing Grafana dashboards based on InfluxDB.

I am having hard times with creating graphs I want to see. Metrics are 
exported in way that every single one is stored in separated series in 
Influx like:

> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1,metric=read value=1234 
> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1,metric=write value=1234 
> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1,metric=total value=1234 

instead of single series like:

> ceph_pool_stats,cluster=ceph1 read=1234,write=1234,total=1234 

This means when I want to create graph of something like % usage ratio 
(= bytes_used / bytes_total) or number of faulty OSDs (= num_osd_up - 
num_osd_in) I am unable to do it with single query like

> SELECT mean("num_osd_up") - mean("num_osd_in") FROM 
"ceph_cluster_stats" WHERE "cluster" =~ /^ceph1$/ AND time >= now() - 6h 
GROUP BY time(5m) fill(null)

but instead it requires two queries followed by math operation, which I 
was unable to get it working in my Grafana nor InfluxDB (I believe it's 
not supported, Influx removed JOIN queries some time ago).

I didn't see any possibility how to modify metrics format exported to 
Telegraf. I feel like I am missing something pretty obvious here.

I am currently unable to switch to prometheus exporter (which don't have 
this kind of issue) because of my current infrastructure setup.

Currently I am using following versions:
 * Ceph 14.2.4
 * InfluxDB 1.6.4
 * Grafana 6.4.2

So ... do you have it working anyone? Please could you share your 

Best regards

Miroslav Kalina
Systems developement specialist

Livesport s.r.o.
Aspira Business Centre
Bucharova 2928/14a, 158 00 Praha 5

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