Hi Richard,

Ah, I think I understand, now, brilliant. It's *supposed* to do exactly
that. Mount it once on boot and then just exit. So everything is working
as intended. Great.



Am 05.12.19 um 15:18 schrieb Richard:
> On 2019-12-05 7:19 AM, Ranjan Ghosh wrote:
>> Why is my service marked inactivate/dead? Shouldn't it be running?
> Look up systemd service type "one shot".  The service did it's job of
> performing the mount and has now exited.
> Systemd is a beast.  It does many things.  A service isn't a daemon.
> It's different than BSD-init or SYS-v init.
> Congrats on your upgrade, btw!  good job!

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