Hello All,

I'm starting to setup a Ceph cluster and am confused about the recommendations for the network setup.

In the Mimic manual I can read

"We recommend running a Ceph Storage Cluster with two networks: a public (front-side) network and a cluster (back-side) network."

In the Nautilus manual there is

"Ceph functions just fine with a public network only, but you may see significant performance improvement with a second “cluster” network in a large cluster.

It is possible to run a Ceph Storage Cluster with two networks: a public (front-side) network and a cluster (back-side) network. However, this approach complicates network configuration (both hardware and software) and does not usually have a significant impact on overall performance. For this reason, we generally recommend that dual-NIC systems either be configured with two IPs on the same network, or bonded."

Am I misunderstanding something or is "significant performance improvement" and "does not usually have a significant impact on overall performance" in the Nautilus doc contradictory? So, which way to go?

Thank you very much

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