Of the top of my head, if say your cluster might have the wrong tunables
for crush-compat. I know I ran into that when I first set up the balancer
and nothing obviously said that was the problem. Only researching find it
for me.

My real question, though, is why aren't you using upmap? It is
significantly better than crush-compat. Unless you have clients on really
old kernels that can't update or that are on pre-luminous Ceph versions
that can't update, there's really no reason not to use upmap.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2019, 8:08 AM Jan Peters <haseni...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I use ceph 12.2.12 and would like to activate the ceph balancer.
> unfortunately no redistribution of the PGs is started:
> ceph balancer status
> {
>     "active": true,
>     "plans": [],
>     "mode": "crush-compat"
> }
> ceph balancer eval
> current cluster score 0.023776 (lower is better)
> ceph config-key dump
> {
>     "initial_mon_keyring":
> "AQBLchlbAAAAABAA+5CuVU+8MB69xfc3xAXkjQ==",
>     "mgr/balancer/active": "1",
>     "mgr/balancer/max_misplaced:": "0.01",
>     "mgr/balancer/mode": "crush-compat"
> }
> What am I not doing correctly?
> best regards
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