Hello Mike and Jason,

as described in my last mail i converted the filesystem to ext4, set "sysctl 
vm.dirty_background_ratio=0" and I put the regular workload on the filesystem 
(used as a NFS mount).
That seems so to prevent crashes for a entire week now (before this, the nbd 
device crashed after hours/~one day).

XFS on top of nbd devices really seems to add additional instability situations.

The current workaround causes very high cpu load (40-50 on a 4 cpu virtual 
system) and up to ~95% iowait if a single client puts a 20GB File on that 

What is your current state in correcting this problem?
Can we support you in testing the by running tests with custom kernel- or 
rbd-nbd builds?


Am 13.09.19 um 14:15 schrieb Marc Schöchlin:
>>> Nevertheless i will try EXT4 on another system.....
> I converted the filesystem to a ext4 filesystem.
> I completely deleted the entire rbd ec image and its snapshots (3) and 
> recreated it.
> After mapping and mounting i executed the following command:
> sysctl vm.dirty_background_ratio=0
> Lets see, what we get now....
> Regards
> Marc
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