Hi Muthu,

On 16.09.19 11:30, nokia ceph wrote:
Hi Team,
In ceph 14.2.2 , ceph dashboard does not have set-ssl-certificate .
We are trying to enable ceph dashboard and while using the ssl certificate and key , it is not working .

cn5.chn5au1c1.cdn ~# ceph dashboard set-ssl-certificate -i dashboard.crt
no valid command found; 10 closest matches:
dashboard set-grafana-update-dashboards <value>
dashboard reset-prometheus-api-host
dashboard reset-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace
dashboard set-grafana-api-username <value>
dashboard get-audit-api-log-payload
dashboard get-grafana-api-password
dashboard get-grafana-api-username
dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key <value>
dashboard reset-rgw-api-host
dashboard set-prometheus-api-host <value>
Error EINVAL: invalid command
cn5.chn5au1c1.cdn ~# ceph -v
ceph version 14.2.2 (4f8fa0a0024755aae7d95567c63f11d6862d55be) nautilus (stable)

How to set crt and key in this case.

ceph config-key dump | grep dashboard/[crt,key]

Try this:

ceph config-key set mgr mgr/dashboard/crt -i ssl.crt
ceph config-key set mgr mgr/dashboard/key -i ssl.key

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