Hi Paul,

Quoting Paul Emmerich (paul.emmer...@croit.io):
> https://static.croit.io/ceph-training-examples/ceph-training-example-admin-socket.pdf

Thanks for the link. So, what tool do you use to gather the metrics? We
are using telegraf module of the Ceph manager. However, this module only
provides "sum" and not "avgtime" so I can't do the calculations. The
influx and zabbix mgr modules also only provide "sum". The only metrics
module that *does* send "avgtime" is the prometheus module:


All modules use "self.get_all_perf_counters()" though:

~/git/ceph/src/pybind/mgr/ > grep -Ri get_all_perf_counters *
dashboard/controllers/perf_counters.py:        return 
diskprediction_cloud/agent/metrics/ceph_mon_osd.py:        perf_data = 
obj_api.module.get_all_perf_counters(services=('mon', 'osd'))
influx/module.py:        for daemon, counters in 
mgr_module.py:    def get_all_perf_counters(self, prio_limit=PRIO_USEFUL,
prometheus/module.py:        for daemon, counters in 
restful/api/perf.py:        counters = context.instance.get_all_perf_counters()
telegraf/module.py:        for daemon, counters in 

Besides the *ceph* telegraf module we also use the ceph plugin for
telegraf ... but that plugin does not (yet?) provide mds metrics though.
Ideally we would *only* use the ceph mgr telegraf module to collect *all
the things*.

Not sure what's the difference in python code between the modules that could 
explain this.

Gr. Stefan

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