Dear Jason,

On 2019-09-10 18:50, Jason Dillaman wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 12:25 PM Oliver Freyermuth
> <> wrote:
>> Dear Cephalopodians,
>> I have two questions about RBD mirroring.
>> 1) I can not get it to work - my setup is:
>>     - One cluster holding the live RBD volumes and snapshots, in pool "rbd", 
>> cluster name "ceph",
>>       running latest Mimic.
>>       I ran "rbd mirror pool enable rbd pool" on that cluster and created a 
>> cephx user "rbd_mirror" with (is there a better way?):
>>       ceph auth get-or-create client.rbd_mirror mon 'allow r' osd 'allow 
>> class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow pool rbd r' -o 
>> ceph.client.rbd_mirror.keyring --cluster ceph
>>       In that pool, two images have the journaling feature activated, all 
>> others have it disabled still (so I would expect these two to be mirrored).
> You can just use "mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd'" for the caps --
> but you definitely need more than read-only permissions to the remote
> cluster since it needs to be able to create snapshots of remote images
> and update/trim the image journals.

these profiles really make life a lot easier. I should have thought of them 
rather than "guessing" a potentially good configuration... 

>>     - Another (empty) cluster running latest Nautilus, cluster name "ceph", 
>> pool "rbd".
>>       I've used the dashboard to activate mirroring for the RBD pool, and 
>> then added a peer with cluster name "ceph-virt", cephx-ID "rbd_mirror", 
>> filled in the mons and key created above.
>>       I've then run:
>>       ceph auth get-or-create client.rbd_mirror_backup mon 'allow r' osd 
>> 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow pool rbd rwx' -o 
>> client.rbd_mirror_backup.keyring --cluster ceph
>>       and deployed that key on the rbd-mirror machine, and started the 
>> service with:
> Please use "mon 'profile rbd-mirror' osd 'profile rbd'" for your caps [1].

That did the trick (in combination with the above)! 
Again a case of PEBKAC: I should have read the documentation until the end, 
clearly my fault. 

It works well now, even though it seems to run a bit slow (~35 MB/s for the 
initial sync when everything is 1 GBit/s), 
but that may also be caused by combination of some very limited hardware on the 
receiving end (which will be scaled up in the future). 
A single host with 6 disks, replica 3 and a RAID controller which can only do 
RAID0 and not JBOD is certainly not ideal, so commit latency may cause this 
slow bandwidth. 

>>       systemctl start ceph-rbd-mirror@rbd_mirror_backup.service
>>    After this, everything looks fine:
>>     # rbd mirror pool info
>>       Mode: pool
>>       Peers:
>>        UUID                                 NAME      CLIENT
>>        XXXXXXXXXXX                          ceph-virt client.rbd_mirror
>>    The service also seems to start fine, but logs show (debug rbd_mirror=20):
>>    rbd::mirror::ClusterWatcher:0x5575e2a7d390 resolve_peer_config_keys: 
>> retrieving config-key: pool_id=2, pool_name=rbd, peer_uuid=XXXXXXXXXXX
>>    rbd::mirror::Mirror: 0x5575e29c7240 update_pool_replayers: enter
>>    rbd::mirror::Mirror: 0x5575e29c7240 update_pool_replayers: restarting 
>> failed pool replayer for uuid: XXXXXXXXXXX cluster: ceph-virt client: 
>> client.rbd_mirror
>>    rbd::mirror::PoolReplayer: 0x5575e2a7da20 init: replaying for uuid: 
>> XXXXXXXXXXX cluster: ceph-virt client: client.rbd_mirror
>>    rbd::mirror::PoolReplayer: 0x5575e2a7da20 init_rados: error connecting to 
>> remote peer uuid: XXXXXXXXXXX cluster: ceph-virt client: client.rbd_mirror: 
>> (95) Operation not supported
>>    rbd::mirror::ServiceDaemon: 0x5575e29c8d70 add_or_update_callout: 
>> pool_id=2, callout_id=2, callout_level=error, text=unable to connect to 
>> remote cluster
> If it's still broken after fixing your caps above, perhaps increase
> debugging for "rados", "monc", "auth", and "ms" to see if you can
> determine the source of the op not supported error.
>> I already tried storing the ceph.client.rbd_mirror.keyring (i.e. from the 
>> cluster with the live images) on the rbd-mirror machine explicitly (i.e. not 
>> only in mon config storage),
>> and after doing that:
>>   rbd -m mon_ip_of_ceph_virt_cluster --id=rbd_mirror ls
>> works fine. So it's not a connectivity issue. Maybe a permission issue? Or 
>> did I miss something?
>> Any idea what "operation not supported" means?
>> It's unclear to me whether things should work well using Mimic with 
>> Nautilus, and enabling pool mirroring but only having journaling on for two 
>> images is a supported case.
> Yes and yes.
>> 2) Since there is a performance drawback (about 2x) for journaling, is it 
>> also possible to only mirror snapshots, and leave the live volumes alone?
>>     This would cover the common backup usecase before deferred mirroring is 
>> implemented (or is it there already?).
> This is in-development right now and will hopefully land for the
> Octopus release.

That would be very cool. Just to clarify: You mean the "real" deferred 
mirroring, not a "snapshot only" mirroring? 
Is it already clear if this will require Octopous (or a later release) on both 
ends, or only on the receiving side? 

Since I got you personally, I have two bonus questions. 

1) Your talk:
   mentions "rbd journal object flush age", which I'd translate with something 
like the "commit" mount option on a classical file system - correct? 
   I don't find this switch documented anywhere, though - is there experience 
with it / what's the default? 
2) I read I can run more than one rbd-mirror with Mimic/Nautilus. Do they 
load-balance the images, or "only" failover in case one of them dies? 

Cheers and many thanks for the quick and perfect help!

>> Cheers and thanks in advance,
>>         Oliver
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> --
> Jason

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