On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 7:57 AM Janek Bevendorff
<janek.bevendo...@uni-weimar.de> wrote:
> > 4k req/s is too fast for a create workload on one MDS. That must
> > include other operations like getattr.
> That is rsync going through millions of files checking which ones need
> updating. Right now there are not actually any create operations, since
> I restarted the copy job.

Your parallel rsync job is only getting 150 creates per second? What
was the previous throughput?

> > I wouldn't expect such extreme latency issues. Please share:
> >
> > ceph config dump
> > ceph daemon mds.X cache status
> Config dump: https://pastebin.com/1jTrjzA9
> Cache status:
> {
>      "pool": {
>          "items": 127688932,
>          "bytes": 20401092561
>      }
> }
> > and the two perf dumps one second apart again please.
> Perf dump 1: https://pastebin.com/US3y6JEJ
> Perf dump 2: https://pastebin.com/Mm02puje

The cache size looks correct here.

> > Also, you said you removed the aggressive recall changes. I assume you
> > didn't reset them to the defaults, right? Just the first suggested
> > change (10k/1.0)?
> Either seems to work.
> I added two more MDSs to split the workload and got a steady 150 reqs/s
> after that. Then I noticed that I still had a max segments settings from
> one of my earlier attempts at fixing the cache runaway issue and after
> removing that, I got 250-500 reqs/s, sometimes up to 1.5k (per MDS).

Okay, so you're getting a more normal throughput for parallel creates
on a single MDS.

> However, to generate the dumps for you, I changed my max_mds setting
> back to 1 and reqs/s went down to 80. After re-adding the two active
> MDSs again, I am back at higher numbers, although not quite as much as
> before. But I think to remember that it took several minutes if not more
> until all MDSs received approximately equal load the last time.

Try pinning if possible in each parallel rsync job.

Here are tracker tickets to resolve the issues you encountered:


Patrick Donnelly, Ph.D.
He / Him / His
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Sunnyvale, CA
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