It would appear by looking at the Ceph repo: 
That Nautilus and Mimic are being built for Xenial and Bionic, where Luminous 
and Jewel are being built for Trusty and Xenial.

Then from Ubuntu in their main repos, they are publishing Jewel for Xenial, 
Luminous for Bionic, Mimic for Cosmic and Disco, and Nautilus for Eoan.
These packages are not updated at the bleeding edge mind you.

So there should be no issues with package availability between Nautilus and 
Xenial, however there should also be no impediment to moving from Xenial to 
Bionic as well.

I would expect to see Octopus (and likely P as well) target Bionic and whatever 
the 20.04 F release will be called.

Hope that clarifies things.


> On Jul 10, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Edward Kalk <> wrote:
> Interesting. So is it not good that I am running Ubuntu 16.04 and 14.2.1. ?
> -Ed
>> On Jul 10, 2019, at 1:46 PM, Reed Dier < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> It does not appear that that page has been updated in a while.
>> The official Ceph deb repos only include Mimic and Nautilus packages for 
>> 18.04,
>> While the Ubuntu-bionic repos include a Luminous build.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Reed
>>> On Jul 10, 2019, at 1:20 PM, Edward Kalk < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> When reviewing: 
>>> <> I see there is 
>>> no mention of “mimic” or “nautilus”.
>>> What are the OS recommendations for them, specifically nautilus which is 
>>> the one I’m running?
>>> Is 18.04 advisable at all?
>>> -Ed
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