Try to add "--inconsistent-index" (caution: will obviously leave your bucket in a broken state during the deletion, so don't try to use the bucket)
You can also speed up the deletion with "--max-concurrent-ios" (default 32). The documentation incorrectly claims that "--max-concurrent-ios" is only for other operations but that's wrong, it is used for most bucket operations including deleteion. Paul -- Paul Emmerich Looking for help with your Ceph cluster? Contact us at croit GmbH Freseniusstr. 31h 81247 München Tel: +49 89 1896585 90 On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 1:11 PM Harald Staub <> wrote: > Currently removing a bucket with a lot of objects: > radosgw-admin bucket rm --bucket=$BUCKET --bypass-gc --purge-objects > > This process was killed by the out-of-memory killer. Then looking at the > graphs, we see a continuous increase of memory usage for this process, > about +24 GB per day. Removal rate is about 3 M objects per day. > > It is not the fastest hardware, and this index pool is still without > SSDs. The bucket is sharded, 1024 shards. We are on Nautilus 14.2.1, now > about 500 OSDs. > > So with this bucket with 60 M objects, we would need about 480 GB of RAM > to come through. Or is there a workaround? Should I open a tracker issue? > > The killed remove command can just be called again, but it will be > killed again before it finishes. Also, it has to run some time until it > continues to actually remove objects. This "wait time" is also > increasing. Last time, after about 16 M objects already removed, the > wait time was nearly 9 hours. Also during this time, there is a memory > ramp, but not so steep. > > BTW it feels strange that the removal of objects is slower (about 3 > times) than adding objects. > > Harry > _______________________________________________ > ceph-users mailing list > > >
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