Hi all,

Starting to make preparations for Nautilus upgrades from Mimic, and I'm looking 
over my client/session features and trying to fully grasp the situation.

> $ ceph versions
> {
>     "mon": {
>         "ceph version 13.2.6 (7b695f835b03642f85998b2ae7b6dd093d9fbce4) mimic 
> (stable)": 3    },
>     "mgr": {
>         "ceph version 13.2.6 (7b695f835b03642f85998b2ae7b6dd093d9fbce4) mimic 
> (stable)": 3    },
>     "osd": {
>         "ceph version 13.2.6 (7b695f835b03642f85998b2ae7b6dd093d9fbce4) mimic 
> (stable)": 204    },
>     "mds": {
>         "ceph version 13.2.6 (7b695f835b03642f85998b2ae7b6dd093d9fbce4) mimic 
> (stable)": 2    },
>     "overall": {
>         "ceph version 13.2.6 (7b695f835b03642f85998b2ae7b6dd093d9fbce4) mimic 
> (stable)": 212    }
> }

> $ ceph features
> {
>     "mon": [
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8ffacfffb",           "release": 
> "luminous",         "num": 3       }    ],
>     "mds": [
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8ffacfffb",           "release": 
> "luminous"          "num": 2       }    ],
>     "osd": [
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8ffacfffb",           "num": 204     
>                 }    ],
>     "client": [
>         {          "features": "0x7010fb86aa42ada",            "release": 
> "jewel",            "num": 4        },
>         {          "features": "0x7018fb86aa42ada",            "release": 
> "jewel",            "num": 1        },
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8eea4fffb",           "release": 
> "luminous",         "num": 344      },
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8eeacfffb",           "release": 
> "luminous",         "num": 200      },
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8ffa4fffb",           "release": 
> "luminous",         "num": 49       },
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8ffacfffb",           "release": 
> "luminous",         "num": 213      }    ],
>     "mgr": [
>         {          "features": "0x3ffddff8ffacfffb",           "release": 
> "luminous",         "num": 3        }    ]
> }

> $ ceph osd dump | grep compat
> require_min_compat_client luminous
> min_compat_client luminous

I flattened the output to make it a bit more vertical scrolling friendly.

Diving into the actual clients with those features:
> # ceph daemon mon.mon1 sessions | grep jewel
>     "MonSession(client.1649789192 ip.2:0/3697083337 is open allow *, features 
> 0x7010fb86aa42ada (jewel))",
>     "MonSession(client.1656508179 ip.202:0/2664244117 is open allow *, 
> features 0x7018fb86aa42ada (jewel))",
>     "MonSession(client.1637479106 ip.250:0/1882319989 is open allow *, 
> features 0x7010fb86aa42ada (jewel))",
>     "MonSession(client.1662023903 ip.249:0/3198281565 is open allow *, 
> features 0x7010fb86aa42ada (jewel))",
>     "MonSession(client.1658312940 ip.251:0/3538168209 is open allow *, 
> features 0x7010fb86aa42ada (jewel))",

ip.2 is a cephfs kernel client with 4.15.0-51-generic
ip.202 is a krbd client with kernel 4.18.0-22-generic
ip.250 is a krbd client with kernel 4.15.0-43-generic
ip.249 is a krbd client with kernel 4.15.0-45-generic
ip.251 is a krbd client with kernel 4.15.0-45-generic

For the krbd clients, the features are " features: layering, exclusive-lock".

My min_compat and require_min_compat clients are already set to Luminous, 
however, I would love some reassurance that I'm not going to run into issues 
with the krbd/kcephfs clients, and trying to make use of new features like the 
PG autoscaler for instance.
I should have full upmap compatibility as the balancer in upmap mode has been 
functioning, and given that they are relatively recent kernels.

Just looking for some sanity checks to make sure I don't have any surprises for 
these 'jewel' clients come a nautilus rollout.

Appreciate any help.
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