Have I missed a step? Diskprediction module is not working for me.

root@cnx-11:/var/log/ceph# ceph device show-prediction-config
no valid command found; 10 closest matches:

root@cnx-11:/var/log/ceph# ceph mgr module ls
    "enabled_modules": [

root@cnx-11:/var/log/ceph# ceph -v
ceph version 14.2.1 (d555a9489eb35f84f2e1ef49b77e19da9d113972) nautilus

One other failure I get for:
ceph device get-health-metrics INTEL_SSDPE2KE020T7_BTLE74200D8J2P0DGN
        "nvme_vendor": "intel",
        "dev": "/dev/nvme0n1",
        "error": "smartctl returned invalid JSON"
with smartmon 7.1
Using this version directly with the device and with JSON output parses ok
(using an online parser).
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