Recently upgraded a ceph cluster to nautilus 14.2.1 from Luminous, no
issues.  One of the reasons for doing so was to take advantage of some of
the new ISCSI updates that were added in Nautilus.  I installed CentOS 7.6
and did all the basic stuff to get the server online.  I then tried to use
the document and
hit a hard stop.  Apparently, the package versions for the required packages
at the top nor the ceph-iscsi exist yet in any repositories.  Reminds me of
when I first tried to setup RGWs.  Is there a hidden repository somewhere
that hosts these required packages?  Also, I found a thread talking about
those packages and the instructions being off, which concerns me.  Is there
a good tutorial online somewhere?  I saw the ceph-ansible bits, but wasn't
sure if that would even work because of the package issue.  I use ansible to
deploy machines all the time.  I also wonder if the ISCSI bits are
considered production or Test ( I see RedHat has a bunch of docs talking
about using iscsi, so I would think production ).


Thoughts anyone?





Existing Clusters:

Test: Nautilus 14.2.1 with 3 osd servers, 1 mon/man, 1 gateway ( all virtual
on SSD )

US Production(HDD): Nautilus 14.2.1 with 11 osd servers, 3 mons, 4 gateways
behind haproxy LB

UK Production(HDD): Luminous 12.2.11 with 25 osd servers, 3 mons/man, 3
gateways behind haproxy LB

US Production(SSD): Luminous 12.2.11 with 6 osd servers, 3 mons/man, 3
gateways behind haproxy LB



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