If you don't figure out how to enable it on your monitor, you can always
disable it to squash the warnings
*ceph config set mon.node01 ms_bind_msgr2 false*

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 12:11 PM Bob Farrell <b...@homeflow.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi. Firstly thanks to all involved in this great mailing list, I learn
> lots from it every day.
> We are running Ceph with a huge amount of success to store website
> themes/templates across a large collection of websites. We are very pleased
> with the solution in every way.
> The only issue we have, which we have had since day 1, is we always see
>     health: HEALTH_WARN
>             1 monitors have not enabled msgr2
> And this is reflected in the monmap:
> monmaptool: monmap file /tmp/monmap
> epoch 7
> fsid 7273720d-04d7-480f-a77c-f0207ae35852
> last_changed 2019-04-02 17:21:56.935381
> created 2019-04-02 17:21:09.925941
> min_mon_release 14 (nautilus)
> 0: v1: mon.node01.homeflow.co.uk
> 1: [v2:,v1:]
> mon.node03.homeflow.co.uk
> 2: [v2:,v1:]
> mon.node04.homeflow.co.uk
> 3: [v2:,v1:]
> mon.node05.homeflow.co.uk
> 4: [v2:,v1:]
> mon.node02.homeflow.co.uk
> 5: [v2:,v1:]
> mon.node06.homeflow.co.uk
> 6: [v2:,v1:]
> mon.node07.homeflow.co.uk
> I never figured out the correct syntax to set up the first monitor to use
> both 6789 and 3300. The other monitors that join the cluster set this
> config automatically but I couldn't work out how to apply it to the first
> monitor node.
> The cluster has been operating in production for at least a month now with
> no issues at all, so it would be nice to remove this warning as, at the
> moment, it's not really very useful as a monitoring metric.
> Could somebody advise me on the safest/most sensible way to update the
> monmap so that node01 listens on v2 and v1 ?
> Thanks for any help !
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