Also the picture I saw at Cephalocon - which could have been
inaccurate, looked to me as if it multiplied the data path.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 8:27 AM Janne Johansson <> wrote:
> Den fre 14 juni 2019 kl 13:58 skrev Sean Redmond <>:
>> Hi Ceph-Uers,
>> I noticed that Soft Iron now have hardware acceleration for Erasure 
>> Coding[1], this is interesting as the CPU overhead can be a problem in 
>> addition to the extra disk I/O required for EC pools.
>> Does anyone know if any other work is ongoing to support generic FPGA 
>> Hardware Acceleration for EC pools, or if this is just a vendor specific 
>> feature.
>> [1] 
> Are there numbers anywhere to see how "tough" on a CPU it would be to 
> calculate an EC code compared to "writing a sector to
> a disk on a remote server and getting an ack back" ? To my very untrained 
> eye, it seems like a very small part of the whole picture,
> especially if you are meant to buy a ton of cards to do it.
> --
> May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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