On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 11:45 AM Lluis Arasanz i Nonell - Adam <
lluis.aras...@adam.es> wrote:

> - Be careful adding or removing monitors in a not healthy monitor cluster:
> If they lost quorum you will be into problems.

safe procedure: remove the dead monitor before adding a new one

> Now, we have some work to do:
> - Remove mon01 with "ceph mon destroy mon01": we want to remove it from
> monmap, but is the "initial monitor" so we do not know if it is safe to do.

yes that's safe to do, there's nothing special about the first mon. Command
is "ceph mon remove <name>", though

> - Clean and "format" monitor data (as we do on mon02 and mon03) for mon01,
> but we have the same situation: is safe to do when is the "initial mon"?

all (fully synched and in quorum) mons have the exact same data

> - Modify monmap, deleting mon01, and inyect it om mon05, but...  what
> happens when we delete "initial mon" from monmap? Is safe?

"ceph mon remove" will modify the mon map for you; manually modifying the
mon map is only required if the cluster is down


Paul Emmerich

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> Regards
> [image: logo_adam_firma_email]
> *Lluís Arasanz Nonell* • Departamento de Sistemas
> *Tel:* +34 902 902 685
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