Hello Rainer,

most of the time you just install the newer versions an restart the
old ones without having to worry about the sequence.

Otherwise just use a management solution that helps you with any
day-to-day operation including the complete software update part.
Something like you can see in this video

Martin Verges
Managing director

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croit GmbH, Freseniusstr. 31h, 81247 Munich
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Am Di., 4. Juni 2019 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Rainer Krienke
> I have a fresh ceph 14.2.1 cluster up and running based on Ubuntu 18.04.
> It consists of 9 hosts (+1 admin host). The nine hosts have each 16
> ceph-osd daemons running, three in these nine hosts also have
> a ceph-mon and a ceph-mgr daemon running. So three hosts are running
> osd, mon and also mgr daemons.
> Now I am unsure about the right way to go for ceph upgrades and linux
> system host updates.
> Ceph-Upgrade:
> Reading the ceph upgrade docs I ask myself how a future upgrade say to
> 14.2.2 should be performed correctly? The recommendation says to upgrade
> first monitors, then osds etc...
> So what is the correct way to go in a mixed setup like mine? Following
> the rules strictly would mean not to use ceph-deploy install, but
> instead to log into the mon(/osd) hosts and then upgrade only the
> ceph-mon package and restart this mon, and then do the same with the
> other monitors/osd hosts. After all mons have been successfully upgraded
> I should then continue with upgrading OSDs (ceph-osd package) on one
> host and restart all osds on this host one after another or reboot the
> whole host. Then proceed to the next osd-host.
> Is this the correct and best way to go?
> Linux system updates:
> The second point I would like to hear your opinions about is how you
> handle linux system updates? Since even a non ceph linux system package
> update might break ceph or even stop the whole linux host from booting,
> care has to be taken. So how do you handle this problem? Do you run host
> upgrades only manually in a fixed sequence eg first on a osd/mon host
> and if the update is successful, then run the linux system package
> updates on the other hosts?   Do you use another strategy?
> Thanks
> Rainer
> --
> Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse 1
> 56070 Koblenz, Tel: +49261287 1312 Fax +49261287 100 1312
> Web: http://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke
> PGP: http://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html
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