Hi Tarek,

what's the output of "ceph balancer status"?
In case you are using "upmap" mode, you must make sure to have a 
min-client-compat-level of at least Luminous:
Of course, please be aware that your clients must be recent enough (especially 
for kernel clients).

Sadly, if the compat-level is too old for upmap, you'll only find a small 
warning about that in the logfiles,
but no error on terminal when activating the balancer or any other kind of 
erroneous / health condition.


Am 29.05.19 um 17:52 schrieb Tarek Zegar:
Can anyone help with this? Why can't I optimize this cluster, the pg counts and 
data distribution is way off.

I enabled the balancer plugin and even tried to manually invoke it but it won't 
allow any changes. Looking at ceph osd df, it's not even at all. Thoughts?

root@hostadmin:~# ceph osd df
1 hdd 0.00980 0 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 0 0
3 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 8.3 GiB 1.7 GiB 82.83 1.14 156
6 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 8.4 GiB 1.6 GiB 83.77 1.15 144
0 hdd 0.00980 0 0 B 0 B 0 B 0 0 0
5 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 9.0 GiB 1021 MiB 90.03 1.23 159
7 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 7.7 GiB 2.3 GiB 76.57 1.05 141
2 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 5.5 GiB 4.5 GiB 55.42 0.76 90
4 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 5.9 GiB 4.1 GiB 58.78 0.81 99
8 hdd 0.00980 1.00000 10 GiB 6.3 GiB 3.7 GiB 63.12 0.87 111
TOTAL 90 GiB 53 GiB 37 GiB 72.93
MIN/MAX VAR: 0.76/1.23 STDDEV: 12.67

root@hostadmin:~# osdmaptool om --upmap out.txt --upmap-pool rbd
osdmaptool: osdmap file 'om'
writing upmap command output to: out.txt
checking for upmap cleanups
upmap, max-count 100, max*deviation 0.01 <---really? It's not even close to 1% 
across the drives*
limiting to pools rbd (1)
*no upmaps proposed*

ceph balancer optimize myplan
Error EALREADY: Unable to find further optimization,or distribution is already 

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