Quoting Robert Sander (r.san...@heinlein-support.de):
> Hi,
> we have a small cluster at a customer's site with three nodes and 4 SSD-OSDs
> each.
> Connected with 10G the system is supposed to perform well.
> rados bench shows ~450MB/s write and ~950MB/s read speeds with 4MB objects
> but only 20MB/s write and 95MB/s read with 4KB objects.
> This is a little bit disappointing as the 4K performance is also seen in KVM
> VMs using RBD.
> Is there anything we can do to improve performance with small objects /
> block sizes?

Josh gave a talk about this:

- For small clusters use relatively more PGs than for large clusters
- Make sure your cluster is well balanced, and this script might
be useful:

Josh is also tuning the objecter_* attributes (if you have plenty of

objecter_inflight_ops = 5120
objecter_inflight_op_bytes = 524288000 (512 * 1,024,000)
## You can multiply / divide both with the same factor

Some more tuning tips in the presentation by Wido/Piotr that might be

Gr. Stefan

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