Hello Greg,

thank you very much for your hint.
If I should see this problem again I will try to restart the ceph-mgr
daemon and see if this helps.


> I don't really see how this particular error can happen and be
> long-lived, but if you restart the ceph-mgr it will probably resolve
> itself.
> ("ceph osd lspools" looks directly at the OSDMap in the monitor,
> whereas the "ceph -s" data output is generated from the manager's
> pgmap, but there's a tight link where the pgmap gets updated and
> removes dead pools on every new OSDMap the manager sees and I can't
> see how that would go wrong.)
> -Greg
>> Thanks
>> Rainer
>> --
>> Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse  1
>> 56070 Koblenz, Web: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke, Tel: +49261287 1312
>> PGP: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html,     Fax: +49261287
>> 1001312
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