Den fre 10 maj 2019 kl 14:48 skrev Poncea, Ovidiu <>:

> Oh... joy :) Do you know if, after replay, ceph-mon data will decrease or
> do we need to do some manual cleanup? Hopefully we don't keep it in there
> forever.

You get the storage back as soon as the situation clears.

> Depends on cluster size and how long you keep your cluster in a degraded
> state.
> Having ~64 GB available is a good idea

> >>
> >> What is the commanded size for the ceph-mon data partitions? Is there a
> maximum limit to it? If not is there a way to limit it's growth (or celan
> it up)? To my knowledge ceph-mon doesn't use a lot of data (500MB - 1GB
> should be enough, but I'm not the expert here :)

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.
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