Quoting Ignat Zapolsky (ignat.zapol...@ammeon.com):
> Hi,
> Just a question what is recommended docker container image to use for
> ceph ?
> CEPH website us saying that 12.2.x is LTR but there are at least 2
> more releases in dockerhub – 13 and 14.
> Would there be any advise on selection between 3 releases ?

There isn't a "LTR" concept anymore in Ceph. There are three releases
that are supported at any given time. As soon as Octopus (15) will be
released Luminous (12) won't be (officially) supported anymore.

I would go for the latest release, Nautilus (14), when setting up a new
cluster. But if you want to go for a release that has been more battle
tested in production go for Mimic (13). It might also depend on your use
case: cephfs is proabably best served from Nautilus. Nautilus release
has improvements in all major interfaces (RGW, RBD, cephfs) though, but
might have some (undiscovered) issues.

Gr. Stefan

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