On Mon, 29 Apr 2019, Alexander Y. Fomichev wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded from mimic to nautilus(14.2.0) and stumbled upon a strange
> "feature".
> I tried to increase pg_num for a pool. There was no errors but also no
> visible effect:
> # ceph osd pool get foo_pool01 pg_num
> pg_num: 256
> # ceph osd pool set foo_pool01 pg_num 512
> set pool 11 pg_num to 512
> # ceph osd pool get foo_pool01 pg_num
> pg_num: 256
> until finally I found that
> # ceph osd require-osd-release nautilus
> solves this problem
> Docs are very scarce about "require-osd-release" command. Something like
> "Complete the upgrade by disallowing pre-Nautilus OSDs and enabling all new
> Nautilus-only functionality:" which gives no clue to understand why pretty
> old feature of increasing pg_num dosn't work. Any way I doubt that silently
> ignoring user commands is a good idea.
> So question is: It is intentional behavior or I hit a bug.

You hit a bug.  :)

Starting in nautilus, the pg_num and pgp_num adjustments are managed by 
the manager. When you make a change on the CLI, you're setting the 
pgp_num_target value, and the mgr makes the real changes in a 
managed/careful way.  

In this case, the mon was assuming the nautilus behavior and then 
effectively discarding it because the osdmaps are still encoded in the 
mimic format.  Opened


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