Den tors 25 apr. 2019 kl 13:00 skrev huang jun <>:

> mj <> 于2019年4月25日周四 下午6:34写道:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > On our three-node cluster, we have setup chrony for time sync, and even
> > though chrony reports that it is synced to ntp time, at the same time
> > ceph occasionally reports time skews that can last several hours.
> >
> > But two questions:
> >
> > - can anyone explain why this is happening, is it looks as if ceph and
> > NTP/chrony disagree on just how time-synced the servers are..?
> Not familiar with chrony, but for our practice is using NTP, and it works
> fine.

What we do with ntpd (and that is probably possible with chrony also) is to
have all mons grab the date from some generic NTP servers, but also add
eachother as peers, which means they sync with eachother about what time it
is, and since the mons are super close to eachother network wise, this is
very stable, compared to what you might get from a random time server on
the internet. It's not super important that they are right about what time
it actually is, only that they all agree with eachother.

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