I have been looking a bit at the s3 clients available to be used, and I 
think they are quite shitty, especially this Cyberduck that processes 
files with default reading rights to everyone. I am in the process to 
advice clients to use for instance this mountain duck. But I am not to 
happy about it. I don't like the fact that everything has default 
settings for amazon or other stuff in there for ftp or what ever.

I am thinking of developing something in-house, more aimed at the ceph 
environments, easier/better to use. 

What I can think of:

- cheaper, free or maybe even opensource
- default settings for your ceph cluster
- only configuration for object storage (no amazon, rackspace, backblaze 
- default secure settings
- offer in the client only functionality that is available from the 
specific ceph release
- integration with the finder / explorer windows

I am curious who would be interested in a such new client? Maybe better 
to send me your wishes directly, and not clutter the mailing list with 

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