Hello Simon,

Another idea is to increase choose_total_tries.


Am 7. März 2019 09:56:17 MEZ schrieb Martin Verges <martin.ver...@croit.io>:
>try restarting every osd if possible.
>Upgrade to a recent ceph version.
>Martin Verges
>Managing director
>Mobile: +49 174 9335695
>E-Mail: martin.ver...@croit.io
>Chat: https://t.me/MartinVerges
>croit GmbH, Freseniusstr. 31h, 81247 Munich
>CEO: Martin Verges - VAT-ID: DE310638492
>Com. register: Amtsgericht Munich HRB 231263
>Web: https://croit.io
>YouTube: https://goo.gl/PGE1Bx
>Am Do., 7. März 2019 um 08:39 Uhr schrieb simon falicon <
>> Hello Ceph Users,
>> I have an issue with my ceph cluster, after one serious fail in four
>> (electricaly dead) I have lost PGs (and replicats) and I have 14 Pgs
>> So for correct it I have try to force create this PGs (with same IDs)
>> now the Pgs stuck in creating state -_-" :
>> ~# ceph -s
>>      health HEALTH_ERR
>>             14 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds
>> ....
>> ceph pg dump | grep creating
>> dumped all in format plain
>> 9.3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    creating    2019-02-25
>09:32:12.333979    0'0    0:0[20,26]    20    [20,11]    20    0'0   
>2019-02-25 09:32:12.333979    0'0    2019-02-25 09:32:12.333979
>> 3.9    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    creating    2019-02-25
>09:32:11.295451    0'0    0:0[16,39]    16    [17,6]    17    0'0   
>2019-02-25 09:32:11.295451    0'0    2019-02-25 09:32:11.295451
>> ...
>> I have try to create new PG dosent existe before and it work, but for
>> PG stuck in creating state.
>> In my monitor logs I have this message:
>> 2019-02-25 11:02:46.904897 7f5a371ed700  0 mon.controller1@1(peon) e7
>handle_command mon_command({"prefix": "pg force_create_pg", "pgid":
>"4.20e"} v 0) v1
>> 2019-02-25 11:02:46.904938 7f5a371ed700  0 log_channel(audit) log
>[INF] : from='client.?'
>entity='client.admin' cmd=[{"prefix": "pg force_create_pg", "pgid":
>"4.20e"}]: dispatch
>> When I check map I have:
>> ~# ceph pg map 4.20e
>> osdmap e428069 pg 4.20e (4.20e) -> up [27,37,36] acting [13,17]
>> I have restart OSD 27,37,36,13 and 17 but no effect. (one by one)
>> I have see this issue http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/18298 but I run
>> ceph 10.2.11.
>> So could you help me please ?
>> Many thanks by advance,
>> Sfalicon.
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