Okay so i think i don't understand the mechanism of Ceph's RocksDB if
it should place data on block.db or not.

So the amount of data in block.db depends on the wal size?
I thought it depends on the objects saved to the storage.
In this case, say we have a 1GB file, it would have a size
of 10GB in L2.

But if it depends on the wal i would have the same benefit using
a block.db with the size of 30GB instead of 250GB. Is that correct?

Best regards

> block.db is very unlikely to ever grow to 250GB with a 6TB data device.
> However, there seems to be a funny "issue" with all block.db sizes
> except 4, 30, and 286 GB being useless, because RocksDB puts the data on
> the fast storage only if it thinks the whole LSM level will fit there.
> Ceph's RocksDB options set WAL to 1GB and leave the default
> max_bytes_for_level_base unchanged so it's 256MB. Multiplier is also
> left at 10. So WAL=1GB, L1=256MB, L2=2560MB, L3=25600MB. So RocksDB will
> put L2 to the block.db only if the block.db's size exceeds
> 1GB+256MB+2560MB (which rounds up to 4GB), and it will put L3 to the
> block.db only if its size exceeds 1GB+256MB+2560MB+25600MB = almost 30GB.
>> Hello,
>> i was wondering about ceph block.db to be nearly empty and I started
>> to investigate.
>> The recommendations from ceph are that block.db should be at least
>> 4% the size of block. So my OSD configuration looks like this:
>> wal.db   - not explicit specified
>> block.db - 250GB of SSD storage
>> block    - 6TB
>> Since wal is written to block.db if not available i didn't configured
>> wal. With the size of 250GB we are slightly above 4%.
>> So everything should be "fine". But the block.db only contains
>> about 10GB of data.
>> If figured out that an object in block.db gets "amplified" so
>> the space consumption is much higher than the object itself
>> would need.
>> I'm using ceph as storage backend for openstack and raw images
>> with a size of 10GB and more are common. So if i understand
>> this correct i have to consider that a 10GB images may
>> consume 100GB of block.db.
>> Beside the facts that the image may have a size of 100G and
>> they are only used for initial reads unitl all changed
>> blocks gets written to a SSD-only pool i was question me
>> if i need a block.db and if it would be better to
>> save the amount of SSD space used for block.db and just
>> create a 10GB wal.db?
>> Has anyone done this before? Anyone who had sufficient SSD space
>> but stick with wal.db to save SSD space?
>> If i'm correct the block.db will never be used for huge images.
>> And even though it may be used for one or two images does this make
>> sense? The images are used initially to read all unchanged blocks from
>> it. After a while each VM should access the images pool less and
>> less due to the changes made in the VM.
>> Any thoughts about this?
>> Best regards
>> --
>> Benjamin Zapiec <benjamin.zap...@gonicus.de> (System Engineer)
>> * GONICUS GmbH * Moehnestrasse 55 (Kaiserhaus) * D-59755 Arnsberg
>> * Tel.: +49 2932 916-0 * Fax: +49 2932 916-245
>> * http://www.GONICUS.de
>> * Sitz der Gesellschaft: Moehnestrasse 55 * D-59755 Arnsberg
>> * Geschaeftsfuehrer: Rainer Luelsdorf, Alfred Schroeder
>> * Vorsitzender des Beirats: Juergen Michels
>> * Amtsgericht Arnsberg * HRB 1968
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Benjamin Zapiec <benjamin.zap...@gonicus.de> (System Engineer)
* GONICUS GmbH * Moehnestrasse 55 (Kaiserhaus) * D-59755 Arnsberg
* Tel.: +49 2932 916-0 * Fax: +49 2932 916-245
* http://www.GONICUS.de

* Sitz der Gesellschaft: Moehnestrasse 55 * D-59755 Arnsberg
* Geschaeftsfuehrer: Rainer Luelsdorf, Alfred Schroeder
* Vorsitzender des Beirats: Juergen Michels
* Amtsgericht Arnsberg * HRB 1968

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