On 9/03/19 10:07 PM, Victor Hooi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm setting up a 3-node Proxmox cluster with Ceph as the shared storage,
> based around Intel Optane 900P drives (which are meant to be the bee's
> knees), and I'm seeing pretty low IOPS/bandwidth.

We found that CPU performance, specifically power state, settings played
a large part in latency, and therefore IOPS.  This wasn't too evident
with spinning disks, but makes a large percentage difference in our NVMe
based clusters.

You may want to investigate setting processor.max_cstate=1 or
intel_idle.max_state=1, whichever is appropriate for your CPUs and
kernel, in the boot cmdline.

David Clarke
Systems Architect
Catalyst IT

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