
On 28/02/2019 17:00, Marc Roos wrote:

Should you not be pasting that as an issue on github collectd-ceph? I
hope you don't mind me asking, I am also using collectd and dumping the
data to influx. Are you downsampling with influx? ( I am not :/ [0])

It might be "ask collectd-ceph authors nicely" is the answer, but I figured I'd ask here first, since there might be a solution available already.

Also, given collectd-ceph works currently by asking the various daemons about their perf data, there's not an obvious analogue for pool-related metrics, since there isn't a daemon socket to poke in the same manner.

We use graphite/carbon as our data store, so no, nothing influx-related (we're trying to get rid of our last few uses of influxdb here).



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