Hi all,

thanks for your insights.


> We tried to use a Samsung 840 Pro SSD as OSD some time ago and it was a 
> no-go; it wasn't that performance was bad, it 
> just didn't work for the kind of use of OSD. Any HDD was better than it (the 
> disk was healthy and have been used in a 
> software raid-1 for a pair of years).
> I suggest you check first that your Samsung 860 Pro disks work well for Ceph. 
> Also, how is your host's RAM?

As already mentioned the hosts each have 64GB RAM. Each host has 3 SSDs for OSD 
usage. Each OSD is using about 1.3GB virtual
memory / 400MB residual memory.


> I can only recommend the use of enterprise SSDs. We've tested many consumer 
> SSDs in the past, including your SSDs. Many 
> of them are not suitable for long-term use and some weard out within 6 months.

Unfortunately I couldn't afford enterprise grade SSDs. But I suspect that my 
workload (about 20 VMs for our infrastructure, the
most IO demanding is probably LDAP) is light enough that wearout won't be a 

The issue I'm seeing then is probably related to direct IO if using bluestore. 
But with filestore, the file system cache probably
hides the latency issues.


> AFAIR Samsung 860 Pro isn't for enterprise market, you shouldn't use consumer 
> SSDs for Ceph.
> I had some experience with Samsung 960 Pro a while ago and it turned out that 
> it handled fsync-ed writes very slowly 
> (comparing to the original/advertised performance). Which one can probably 
> explain by the lack of power loss protection 
> for these drives. I suppose it's the same in your case.
> Here are a couple links on the topic:
> https://www.percona.com/blog/2018/02/08/fsync-performance-storage-devices/
> https://www.sebastien-han.fr/blog/2014/10/10/ceph-how-to-test-if-your-ssd-is-suitable-as-a-journal-device/

Power loss protection wasn't a criteria for me as the cluster hosts are 
distributed in two buildings with separate battery backed
UPSs. As mentioned above I suspect the main difference for my case between 
filestore and bluestore is file system cache vs. direct
IO. Which means I will keep using filestore.


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